Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Fun . . . . .

It’s Friday, kids.  What's that?  The weather has you feelin’ a little blue?  Do you know what will cheer you up? 

It's peanut butter jelly time!  Peanut butter jelly time! Peanut butter jelly time!  Peanut.butter.jelly.peanut.butter.jelly.peanut.butter.jelly with a baseball bat!

Yeah, servin’ up the Friday fun with a cherry on top.

I’m headed across the pond to Italy for work tomorrow.  I will be there approx. 49 hours total.  I’ll bring you back some pasta.   I hope I don’t get into an
armrest fight again.

Oh yeah, I’m pretty excited about this part of my trip:

Yeah, that’s right, that’s all the baggage I’m taking.  Can you say Pack-Master!  And, just in case you think that’s not impressive enough by itself . . . The bottom half of that bag has work-related product in it.  Double Pack-Master.

Winner of this week’s
Guess The Falsity of mr. overly competitive’s True Hollywood Story is (drum rolllllllllllll) . . . . . .NOBODY!  Yayyyyy!

The false fact was #7. Too bad nobody got it right.  I was planning to give a special prize to the winner.  $1,255,653 smackaroos.  You lose.


I win.
mr. overly competitive

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

True Hollywood Story and Viral Infections

Peep this, Guidos and Guidettes:

There's this thing going around the blogosphere like a viral infection.  No, not smallpox.  Nope, not the HIV either.  Apparently everyone’s throwin’ around love like Tiger Woods, but in a good way.  Not in the cheat-on-my-wife-with-porn-stars-and-reality-show-tricks type of way.  He’s friendly.

Because it’s me and I don’t like rules, I am changing them.  You’re supposed to tell 10 things that make you happy.  I could do that, but where’s the fun.  Instead I am giving everyone 9 little known facts about mr. overly competitive and 1 false fact – you get to guess what’s faker than Heidi Montag’s chest rocks, chin, acting, and marriage.  

1.  I’m competitive. (this is your gimme)
2.  I’ve lived in Mexico. (before the drug cartel killed Michael Jackson)
3.  I drove this around when I was young: 
4.  I won a State Championship in High School.  (not with the chess club although I would kick your ass)
5.  Step-on-Me and I were almost on Amazing Race. (ok, they called us back is all)
6.  I haven't been prayin'-to-the-porcelain-Gods drunk in 5 years. (this sounds like I had a drinking problem before)
7.  When I was 8 my brother and I built an “airplane” and I piloted it off the second story deck of our house. (R.Kelly wrote a song after me)
8.  My favorite TV show is The Unit. (R.I.P)  
9.  I have 234 watches. (what?  I’m punctual)
10. When I was three, I bit off my tongue. (I french kiss like a God)

Whudda ya think?  Winner gets a call-out in the next post (I know, motivating isn’t it?).

Here is some toilet-reading literature certain to get you through that mid-day poo:

Speak Into My Good Ear because let’s face it: she’s doing all she can with just one good ear.

fake.british.accent - debauchery awaits.  Just be sure to skip the guest blogger post – it’s vomit inducing (so much so that the link is a phony)

White-Collar Redneck because Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks!  OHIOOOOO!  He’s a bit funnier than Drew Carey, too.

Life on a Hanger because word rivalries just fuel my competitive awesomeness.  And her blog is littered with Lilo photos . . . . Oh wait, that’s discouraging you to view it.  Nevermind – it ruelz.

My Own Breed of Random is random . . . and janitorial. 

Giddy up!

Edit to yesterdays post:  It was brought to my attention that I actually didn’t win Sunday . . . . My dog did.  Touché’ doggy.  Touché’.

However, today . . . . .

I win.
mr. overly competitive

Monday, February 22, 2010

Devil Dog - Part Deux

Hola amigos.  Como estas?

Things have been hectic so the posts have been MIA . . . .like Tiger's V.D. . . . . wait, nevermind.  I promise it'll be quicker than my gag reflex after reading this.  AndaléAndalé!
This is me. . . last Saturday . . . 
when all the snow was melting and a 
truck rolled by.  Stupid awesome.

This weekend was about as fun as Patty-cake.  Step-on-Me and I went gallivanting to the pet store yesterday to pick up the dog some treats to keep the pup entertained and amused.  Good pup-parents, right?  Little did we know she was plotting our demise:

The little slob-smuggler decided that if we're going to leave her alone and destitute in the apartment, she was going to lock us out.  Using the deadbolt.  You know . . . .the one you lock FROM THE INSIDE.  

So after an hour of being locked out and waiting for emergency maintenance to get there, we help Chuey (or Chewy), our Sweatpants-donning Captain America Maintenance Man, break into our apartment.  Hide your valuables, folks.  It took us under 5 minutes.  

Oh yeah, last weekend during All-Star weekend here in Dallas, we saw famed Booty Call actor and comedian, Tommy Davidson in the mall.  I know. . . not as impressive as you might think.  
Oh well.

I win.
mr. overly competitive