Saturday, May 8, 2010

Why I need to hit the lottery . . .

 .  . . . . .so I can own one of these cars:
Ferari Spider

Porsche "I am parked a space ahead of the Ferari above, 
but I'm matte black front to back so I'm still cool " Targa

Ferari Sessanta

Bentley "It's Murda!" Continental GT

Lamborghini Gallardo

Austin Healy

Kind of looks like I just pulled photos from the internet, right?  Sorry to disappoint your theory that I really am as bad of a blogger as this thing portrays.  Within two roads, one square block, and a half-an-hour time-span I saw all six of these cars.  Like the Porsche caption says, sometimes they just decided to line up the cars I can't afford to make sure it was easy for me to see what I will never have.  Thanks.

I bet my Saturn gets better gas mileage though!

I win.
mr. overly competitive

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